As digital transformation is going in the right direction, Its appropriate for organisations to pause for a while and look at their security strategy. With increased use and integration of technologies like cloud, IOT and SDWAN, organisations are fundamentally changing their operations and adding value to customer experience. However, it comes with great challenge on the level of security, data protection and an expanded surface prone to cyber-attack.


Whether we like it or not, concerns on security and cybersecurity can’t be an afterthought and shouldn’t be addressed with the traditional approach. In order to achieve success in digital transformation, organisations are not only retooling themselves but they are also revamping the processes by fundamentally changing the way they used to operate so that they are secure by design.


One of the key elements of digital transformation is perusing new technologies. Services like Cloud computing, DevOps, SDWAN ultimately leads you to achieve network security, peripheral security around infrastructure through enterprise level services, monitoring and control. With defined goals and timelines at organisational level, the responsibility of every stakeholder becomes clear. Which makes companies embrace proper security process and embed security transformation in the new architecture since the beginning.


Few key points to consider while you plan for security transformation:


  • Build with security in mind: Prevention is better than cure.  You should define and follow parameters/processes while setting up infrastructures, architectures and developing applications for a future proof IT.
  • Regular Testing:  Conduct regular testing to uncover potential vulnerabilities and assessing the infrastructure leads to improved security.
  • Integrate security systems: Integrating security setups helps in better visibility and single pane control mechanism.
  • Training:  Regular training to the IT and Cyber security teams on new skills related to digital technologies enables them for better operations and innovation.


Abhilash Das

Practice Leader – Cloud Technology